Consultant – Joinitlive

Enable Paid Chat for your client using Joinitlive and charge for the chatting session

The article covers the below topics

  1. Introduction to Paid Chat
  2. Benefits of Paid Chat
  3. Ways to do Paid chat
  4. Steps to get started for Paid Chat

Introduction to Paid Consultation

The digital technology is reshaping how the business is done cutting across domains and sectors. There are new forms of customer engagement and services deliveries shaping up each day. One new channel which has come up is Chat. Organizations and individuals are using Chat and more so Whatsapp chat to engage with their clients, provide services and charge their client. Individual consultants are using Whatsapp buttons on their professional profiles, website and social media to encourage user to initiate chat conversation with them.

The paid chat channel is majorly being used by the following professionals

  1. Doctors
  2. Astrologers
  3. Tarrot readers
  4. Lawyers
  5. Technology consultants
  6. Freelancer within tech or creative domain
  7. Consultants in other domains

Benefits of Paid Chat

Chat is a non-intrusive way both for the consultant and the client to engage with each other. Both the party enjoy the privilege of replying at their own ease as compared to a telephonic or video connect where 100% attention has to be diverted for the moment. Chat consultations are far less energy consuming as compared to live audio / video where attention needs to be given to voice modulation, facial expressions besides the content which is being delivered. The consultant and the consulteee can fit the chat session among their busy schedule as they get to choose when and what to reply to take the conversation ahead.

In a few scenarios, the consultant or the consultee would want to maintain privacy and not disclose their identity. These situations may arise due to one of the below reasons:

  1. Nature of the service being delivered , seeked
  2. Sensitivity of the information being exchanged
  3. Comfort level of the individuals being lower

In such situations, Paid Chat interactions hold a significant value as compared to voice or video consultation.

Ways to do Paid Chat

The decision to use which service provider should be made post considering the below aspect:

  1. Scalability – The chat platform being used should have a large coverage. This implies that the consultee in majority of the cases should not be expected to download any new app or register as he / she is already present on the chat platform. Whatsapp is the claer winner on this aspect.
  2. Payment integration – The chat platform should have built in payment integration so that the consultant can charge the consultee for their service in a seamless manner.
  3. Integration – The chat platform should be integrable with your existing presence over the internet where your clients visit to connect with you. This implies that the solution should get easily integrated with your website, social media accounts etc.

Only once you have evaluate the solution on the above 3 aspect should you come to a decision.

Joinitlive is a great way to start Paid Chat session with your client over Whatsapp. The platform provides free profiles to any consultant which can be used to initiatie paid chat, paid audio calls and paid video calls with clients. The consultant gets a profile describing the experience, expertise and consultation charges. Consultant gets a dedicated link to his / her prpfile which he / she can share over his / her online presence. The client gets to choose from 3 buttons to connect with the consultant:-

  1. Paid Chat
  2. Paid Audio Call
  3. Paid Video Call

On choosing Paid Chat, the client gets connected with the consultant over a Whatsapp chat thread. This thread is moderated by Joinitlive’s automated bot. If the consultant wants to ask for payment at any point int ime during the session , he / she can easily do so by asking to bot to request payment from the client. The bot takes the user to a payment flow and once the payment gets completed, the amount gets reflected in the consultant’s wallet and the chat can be continued. The consultant / client can reinitiate the chat session at any time in the future. At any moment, they can quickly convert the chat into a paid audio / video call where the client gets billed on a per minute of consultation basis.

The platform is absolutely free to register and use any of its features and charges the consultant on per transaction basis. More details can be found here.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up by filling this simple form here
  2. Copy your profile link post signing up
  3. Paste the profile link on your website, Instagram account as Link in Bio, Youtube channel description, Facebook About Me section

You traffic on these places shallstart leveraging the paid chat button for connect with you through your profile. As soon as a user initiates a chat session with you, you shall receive a message from Joinitlive on your Whatsapp. Follow the instructions on the chat thread to initiate and complete the chat. It is that simple !

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