What is Joinitlive ?
Joinitlive is an online tool specially designed for consultants looking to grow their business online. It enables the consultant to create their professional landing page with paid audio call, paid video call and paid Whatsapp chat functionality. The consultants across various domains can use the platform to offer paid consultation services to their client in a convenient and professional manner.
Who can use Joinitlive ?
Joinitlive can be used by any consultant, service provider looking to grow their services business online. The professionals using Joinitlive include and not limited to Astrologers, Architects, Lawyers, Technology specialists, Tarot readers, Doctors, Dentists, Entertainers, Freelancers, Coaches, Teachers, Travel consultants, Cooking experts and many more.
How to use Joinitlive ?
A consultant needs to first create his / her landing page by visiting Joinitlive.com and clicking on Signup. He / she needs to fill up a simple registration form capturing his / her service details to be shown on the landing page to the visiting clients. Once done, a landing page gets instantly created with a dedicated url. The consultant then needs to post the url at places where his / her potential clients might be present. This includes social media handles, website, Whatsapp groups. The client willing to interact with the consultant, clicks the url, visits the page and reads through the service details of the consultant. The client gets below 3 buttons on the landing page to connect with the consultant:-
- Paid Audio Call
- Paid Video Call
- Whatsapp Chat
Choosing either Audio or Video call, will lead the client to a payment gateway where he/ she needs to recharge their Joinitlive wallet with the minimum per minute charges which the consultant has defined. Once recharged, the client and consultant will get instantly connected through a telephone call (if its an audio call) or a browser based video call (in case the client chooses video call). Post the call, the earned amount gets debited from client’s Joinitlive wallet into the consultant’s Joinitlive wallet. The earned amount gets credited into the consultant’s linked bank account on a weekly basis.
In case, the client chooses to connect with the consultant through Whatsapp chat, the client and consultant gets connected over a Whatsapp chat through a Joinitlive handle. Both can seamlessly chat , exchange information, convert the chat into audio, video call. At any moment, if the consultant wants to charge the client, he / she can do so by simply typing ‘@’ followed by the amount in Rs (without spaces). For example, for charging Rs. 100 , the consultant needs to type @100 over the Whatsapp chat. The client gets notified and if he agrees to make the payment, the money gets credited into consultant’s wallet.
The consultant has access to his Joinitlive dashboard from where he can perform the following functionalities:
- Check his past call, chat records
- Monitor his earnings so far
- Reconnect with any of the previous clients
- Download contact details of the past clients
- Monitor his earnings and raise requests to withdraw them
- Manage / edit his profile
How to initiate a Paid Audio call with a client ?
The paid audio call can be initiated in 2 ways:
- By the client through the consultant’s landing page
- By the consultant with the existing client through the consultant dashboard

For the first way, the client needs to visit the consultant’s landing page, click on Audio Call button, type in his mobile number and name, validate the mobile number via an OTP and then recharge his/her Joinitlive wallet if it lacks sufficient balance to initiate call with a minimum duration of 2 mins. Once recharged, the consultant receives a telephonic call on his/her registered mobile number. On answering the call, the client receives a similar call which when answered leads to the client and consultant connecting over a telephone call. The telephone call shall continue till the time either client’s balance gets exhausted or clinet / consultant decides to disconnect. On call completion, both the client and the consultant receive a call summary Whatsapp message. The client is also prompted to rate the consultant. The consultant can visit his / her dashboard and review the call summary there as well. From the dashboard, the consultant can reinitiate the Audio call or video call or Whatsapp chat with the client. The amount earned by the consultant gets added to his / her wallet balance which is auto transferred to his / her declared UPI handle on a weekly basis.

How to initiate Paid Video call with a client ?
Similar to audio call, video calls can be initiated in 2 ways:
- By the client through the consultant’s landing page
- By the consultant with the existing client through the consultant dashboard

For the first way, the client clicks on the Video Call button on the consultant’s landing page. He / she then puts his / her name along with mobile number, OTP validate the mobile number and recharges the wallet with the minimum balance to sustain a minimum of 2 mins video call. Post the recharge, the consultant gets an intimation over a phone call on his / her registered mobile number about the client wanting to start a video consultation. The consultant also receives the link to join the video call over Whatsapp and SMS. On clicking the link, the video call starts instantly with the waiting client. The call will end if either the client’s wallet balance gets exhausted or the client / consultant decides to disconnect. On call completion, a summary message is sent both to the client and the consultant over Whatsapp. The consultant can use his / her dashboard to view the call information and reconnect with the client either through Video call, Audio call or a Whatsapp chat. The earned amount is added to the consultant’s wallet balance and is transferred to his / her declared UPI handle within a week’s time.
How to initiate Paid Whatsapp chat with a client ?
The paid Whatsapp chat can be initiated in 2 ways:
- By the client through the consultant’s landing page
- By the consultant with the existing client through the consultant dashboard

In the first way, the client clicks on the Whatsapp chat button on the consultant’s landing page. The client is then asked to enter his / her mobile number along with name. The mobile number is OTP verified post which the client receives an intimation over his/her Whatsapp from a Joinitlive handle to start the chat with the consultant. The consultant also receives an intimation about the client wanting to start the chat consultation session. Both the consultant and the client can chat over Whatsapp using Joinitlive handle. This way, the consultant’s Whatsapp number is not directly declared to the client thereby protecting his privacy. The consultant on the other hand can know the client’s phone number from his / her Joinitlive dashboard.
At any point in time during the chat session, if the consultant wants to charge the client, he / she can do so by typing ‘@’ symbol followed by the amount in Rs that he / she desires to charge. For example, for charging Rs 100, the consultant needs to type @100 in the same Whatsapp chat. On doing so, the client is asked to agree for payment in order to continue with the chat consultation. Once he/she agrees, the amount gets debited from client’s wallet and credited to consultant’s wallet.
The Joinitlive’s Whatsapp chat functionality allows the consultant to chat with multiple clients at the same time. In case there are multiple simultaneous chat requests from different client, any reply by the consultant reaches to that client who had last put a message. If the consultant wants to reply to other client, he/she can do so by simply swiping right any of the previous messages from that particular client. This way the consultant can toggle between replying to different active clients.